
- John O’Donohue -

“your soul knows the geography of your destiny. your soul alone has the map of your future

tools and practices

Que Olivia Newton John and let’s get mystical!

Typically, the Mystical and Esoteric arts are separated off into their own different systems, each using a unique method of expression.  Astrology uses the planets and stars, Numerology uses numbers, and Tarot works in universal archetypes and experiences.  And so, you’re probably familiar with Tarot readers, and Astrologists, Human Design readers, and Numerologists.  It is exceptionally rare that an Esoteric Artist works with more than one system.  And yet all of these systems actually do overlap and fit within a larger more expansive system of teachings. 

This kind of Esoteric Artist is called The Magician.

The Magician is the master of all systems.  They are trained and study within a mystery tradition.  These traditions unite all the Esoteric practices. It is the fountainhead from which the various symbolic systems spring.

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My readings integrate multiple symbolic languages and systems.  I’m not just looking at your Human Design chart.  I’m also reading your Astrology and Numerology charts and looking for deeper patterns and symbols across the charts.  What shows up in one, without fail shows up in the others.

How I visualize and think about the tools I work with

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I see them from Macrocosm to Microcosm.  As above, so below.  The larger universal forces at play in the Macrocosm, Numerology and Astrology, inform the Microcosm.  Us.  Here. On Earth. Trying to figure out how to be a human.  For me, Human Design is the set of instructions you came with to successfully complete your mission in the Microcosm and bridge the divide between you and the cosmos.


Not to worry.  I got you, babe!

Let me put it this way.  Have you ever put together a piece of furniture from IKEA?

It can be brutal and futile, RIGHT?!

You’re given two pages of what the finished product should look like, but minimal instructions.  You’ve got stick figures.

Now, think about the manual of instructions you were given that shows you how to live a joyful existence in exact alignment with your purpose.

What?  You didn’t get those instructions?

I’d argue that crafting the life of your dreams and stepping into self-mastery is a little more complex than building a bookcase.

And yet, no instructions for being human. 

Want to see the hidden instructions you came with?  Go get your free charts here.

You’ll see they’re even more complex than the Ikea Billy bookcase.

Want some assistance with your assembly?